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de Chile: +49 30 32 70 18 92, Fax (en Alemania) +49 30 32 70 18 91
Skype: bitpalast
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Bitpalace's web hosting business has grown to such an extent that the company has decided to waive its charges for web redirection and additional websites.
Business is good for web hosting service Bitpalace. In December 2010, the company had changed its pricing policy and started offering affordable web hosting accounts with outstanding features and an "it will work" guarantee. As a result of these price cuts the number of web hosting customers has doubled in the first three quarters of 2011.
Today, Bitpalace announced the complete elimination of charges for web redirection and additional websites. Customers of the worldwide web hosting service are now able to run an unlimited number of independent websites on the same server at the standard charge. There is only a small annual renting fee for additional domain names, which should be marginally above the rate the company pays to national domain name registrars. Sub domains remain free of charge.
Bitpalace's decision comes as a reaction to customers' requests for multiple domains or sub domains on the same server. With this price offensive the company continues to drive its web hosting division.
Currently Bitpalace makes most of its profits in the area of software development, globally as well as domestically. This business division has seen above average growth in the number of customers as well as in the number of service hours sold.
In addition, Bitpalace is planning to add Spanish to its main business languages German and English. The company will have a local branch in Spain to target the Spanish market, but also prepares to attract new clients in South and Central America.
C/ Joaquim Jubert núm. 34
E-17244 Cassá de la Selva (Gerona)
Contacto para entrevistas: Peter Debik M.A.
de Chile: +49 30 32 70 18 92
Fax en Chile+49 30 32 70 18 91
Skype: bitpalast
Otros servicios |
"servidor raíz más rápido": Servidor web rápido, servidor de raíz (servidor dedicado), servidores privados virtuales (VPS): El servidor Web de gran tamaño o el rendimiento del servidor Web con un montón de espacio (el espacio web de gran tamaño, con mucho espacio, mucha energía de la CPU). Web de sistemas de gestión de contenidos como Joomla o Typo3 servidor web para tiendas online. Espacio web para varios sitios Web al mismo tiempo.
de Chile: +49 30 32 70 18 92 • , C/ Joaquim Jubert núm. 34, E-17244 Cassá de la Selva (Gerona)
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